Snakes and Lattes
My iPhone camera doesn't produce the best quality photos, but nonetheless it captured a few moments we had at Snakes and Lattes is a $5 admission cafe with access to a huge library of board games in the heart of downtown Toronto. Its tucked away by Bathurst station (Honest Ed's!) and the lineups are usually very long.The waiters are also super helpful and will explain game rules and strategies to you if your group is struggling.
It was my first time there and I was surprised at how much fun I actually had, I get a bit too competitive at board games and often take the outcomes VERY personally (unless I win... I kid, I kid).
Playing Jenga against these three engineers was challenging. We decided to turn this into a punishment game - whoever knocked over the Jenga blocks had to do 15 pushups, or approach strangers and congratulate them. I lost 50% of the time, as I had difficulty picking would be "easy" blocks to remove and place on top.
There was a lot of gasping, breaking out into cold sweats and shaky hands - the caffeinted drinks we ordered didn't help with that either, here's a cappuccino with a double heart design:
I of course ordered a London Fog, which was quite delicious there! We also ordered a delicious Brownie to share.
Next on the List: Snakes and Lagers
Their menu included sandwiches, teas, drinks, sodas, and desserts. No alcohol. They recently opened up on February 1, 2014 a new joint called "Snakes and Lagers", which is equivalent but serves alcohol instead and has more drinking-related games. Now THAT sounds fun.

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