Myself and my girlfriends plan to go out for Halloween together. We had been browsing different female "group" costume ideas. We wanted something simple and something everybody wanted to do. I thought the most brilliant idea was actually female Batman villains.
Mario Party
Female Characters of Batman
Disney Characters
Disney Villains
{Cruella de vil, Ursula, Maleficint, Snow White Evil Queen, Evil Stepmother (Cinderella)}
Disney Zombie Characters
Loofahs (the duckie accessory is cute!)
Powerpuff Girls
My Little Pony
My Little Pony (awesome) cosplay!
Despicable Me
Costumes in Three
{ Snowwoman / Blind Mice }
Three Blind Mice
{Blind Mice}
Ninja Turtles
The Many Faces of Lady Gaga
Disney Fairies Group Costume

Well, I believe you picked to right costumes.